Wednesday 11 January 2023

Revisiting my old material

 Revisiting old musical material can be a powerful and personal experience for any artist. The process of revisiting old songs, albums, and even unfinished demos, unrecorded material, and lyrics jotted down in old notebooks, can bring a sense of nostalgia and remind us of who we were and where we come from as musicians. It can be a reminder of the journey we've been on and the growth we've undergone as artists.

I personally have had the opportunity to revisit old material during my career, whether it be through re-recording songs, playing them live, or simply listening to demos that were never released, revisiting old song ideas and lyrics in my old notebooks. Each time, I've found it to be a valuable and enlightening experience. It's like opening a time capsule and discovering forgotten gems, some of them I felt like they were ahead of their time, some others needed a new approach or production.

One of the reasons I've revisited old material is to reconnect with my past self. When I look back at my old notebooks and see lyrics or song ideas I had written down, I'm reminded of the person I used to be, the emotions I felt and the experiences I've been through. It's a reminder of the journey that I've been on and the growth I've undergone. I've been able to see how my songwriting has evolved and how my perspective has changed. It's helped me to understand the evolution of my art and to appreciate the development of my craft. Revisiting old material has also helped me to reconnect with my roots and where I come from, both musically and personally.

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