Sunday, 5 February 2012

A Response To Dr. Don Boys.

I recently stumbled across an article written by Dr. Don Boys, titled “People Without Integrity Ignore Facts About Homosexuality.”

In this article Dr. Boys makes a number of statements that are highly inaccurate. I thought I’d write an article replying to and challenging his original article which can be found here: Publius.

According to the article: Homosexuals are not “born that way” and any study will support that. Even the very pro-homosexual American Psychological Association has returned to reality and in the last couple of months declared: “There are no scientific findings that a person is born homosexual.” One of their brochures declares: “There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops s heterosexual, bisexual, gay or lesbian orientation.”

What is the relevance of the origin of homosexual desires? The title of the article suggests dealing in facts, but the facts of the origins of homosexuality are unclear.

Homosexuals do recruit as classic studies prove. In fact, about half of the adult homosexuals were seduced into perversion before age 14. Homosexuals molest young boys far more than heterosexuals molest girls. Yet, we are told that homosexuals don’t molest little boys!

Dr Boys appears to be basing his argument of anti gay propaganda like Boys Beware!

Also, he seems a little confused about the meaning of the word homosexual. Molestation motivated by sexual desire of adolescents is called pederasty, not homosexuality.

It is also telling that the media do their best to separate pedophilia from homosexuality such as the horrific scandal in the Roman Catholic Church and in other mainline protestant denominations. The vicious predators are never identified as homosexuals, only pedophiles. What’s the difference except in the spelling?

Quite a large difference Dr. Boys. The issue of religious figures abusing children is a complex issue involving repression of sexual desires and having access to vulnerable, trusting people. The homosexual element is a minor part of the issue. The “media” is wise to separate the two terms as any they are quite clearly very different.

Homosexuals indulge in incredible, unbelievable, vile, vulgar, even violent activities detrimental to themselves and society such as fisting (don’t ask); rimming (don’t ask again); illegal drug use; eating or rubbing their bodies with a lover’s feces; autoerotic asphyxiation (about 1,000 die each year); sadomasochism, urine drinking; golden showers (water sports); insertion of bottles, flashlights and other objects up a “lovers” rear; and other repulsive activities. I would love to hear a defense of those activities.

More confusion about the meaning of words and the nature of sexual practices here. Fisting and rimming are far from exclusive to homosexual liaisons. Illegal drug use is widespread in all sections of society and has nothing whatsoever to do with homosexuality. Coprophagia (or consumption of faeces), urophagia (consumption of urine), urolagnia (golden showers) and sadomasochism are all paraphilias (better known as fetishes), not exclusive to any one sexual orientation. Autoerotic asphyxiation is by definition a solitary act, not an act between two or more people and again is not limited to any specific sexual orientation.

Statistically, homosexuals die much younger than normal people. Studies show that homosexual lifestyle may cost homosexuals 30 years of life. Homosexuals were 116 times more apt to be murdered and 24 times more likely to commit suicide than others.

Did Dr. Boys just blame the victims of murder for being gay? People who commit suicide are likely being affected by negative information like Dr. Boys’ article and a lack of positive information and access to services that can help them.

Homosexuals can be “converted” back to heterosexuality.

Many gay, lesbian, bisexual (and other orientations) people claim that they knew that they were somehow “different” to their peers since childhood.

There is no evidence whatsoever that gay “conversion” techniques are in any way effective and victims of these techniques have claimed that the experience was damaging.

Every homosexual is not involved with violence, but all of them live a vile and vulgar lifestyle.

What exactly is vile and vulgar about their lifestyle?

There is nothing gay in the homosexual way.


Follow up.

Two of my closest and most valued friends indentify themselves as non heterosexual. Both have suffered from prejudice and abuse simply for being different. One of them is a victim of so called “conversion therapy” and will state that the only effects were negative and stigmatising and did nothing to change his sexual orientation.

Both are in healthy relationships and are in no way evil or degenerate people. They deserve respect just like any other person, regardless of their sexual desires or lifestyle choices.

Despite my best efforts, I have been unable to find any contact information for Dr. Boys, so I have been unable to communicate with him directly or send him a copy of this article. The closest I could get was to write to him on Twitter, inviting him to read this article and to contact me if he wishes to clarify or defend his stance.

Please comment or contact me if you agree or disagree with what I have said and wish to discussit further.

Barnaby J. Tremayne.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

MegaUpload taken down

Hello readers. I have just found out that MegaUpload and its related sites like MegaVideo have been taken down. Not only is this an outrageous and short sighted move on the part of the authorities, I've lost a number of files that were hosted there. Some early vidoes were there and most of my music was available there. I'll track down the original files (they're on a hard drive that was misplaced when i moved a while back) and placing them on Youtube, Dailymotion and of course

Part 2: Tonight I'm starting the recording of a potential single. A new song called England's Shore. I haven't chosen a b-side yet, so I'll add an update in the near future.

Thanks for reading,

Barnaby J. Tremayne.

Friday, 30 December 2011

New album completed

News at last. If you've read my previous post you'll be aware that I completely scrapped an almost finished album a couple of weeks ago. Luckily, some of it was salvageable. For the last 2 weeks I've been re-making the album from scratch, taking it in a very different direction and making something worth hearing. Working title Absentia has become Absent Son. Over the next few hours I'll be doing some editing to the recordings and it will be uploaded to the online stores by tomorrow morning.

In the meantime, I've upoaded a video to youtube with the earliest demos for Trinity to give you an idea how the album developed. You can find it here: Trinity Slideshow.

Thanks for reading,

Barnaby J. Tremayne.

PS Happy new year everyone.

Saturday, 17 December 2011


Hello readers, I'm very sad to say that the Trinity album is cancelled. After a lot of work and a lot of time, I finally got to listen to the almost finished product. 6 of the 9 songs are finished and ready for release. After listening to some well trusted opinions, it was agreed that the album just didn't quite work.

But it's not all bad news, some of the album is salvageable and with a little work I should be able to make a new album out of the remnants. Hopefully it will be ready by New Year's, if I really put the work in. Christmas is a quiet time for me, so I should be free to record everything I need.

The plan for Trinity was a departure from my previous work, to add electronic elements to my mostly acoustic music to create new textures. There are rough demos online at mediafire/barnabytremayne, and I will upload the complete album (such as it is) for a limited time just in case anyone wants to hear it.

So what's next? I was playing the very first demos for Trinity and I realised how different it is to the original concept. The plan is to return to the original plan and start again, keeping it simpler this time. Luckily, most of the material is recyclable and I should be able to recreate the earlier work very quickly. Working title for the new album is Absentia (I'll let you figure out why).

Til next time,

Barnaby J. Tremayne.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Update on new album

Today I should be recording the final parts of my third album Trinity. I'd say it's about four fifths finished. It still needs a few guitar and synth parts added and a couple of mistakes need to be fixed. If all goes to plan, it will be finished just before Christmas and before the first anniversary of Bletchley's release. The demos will be available on my website soon, and the finished album will be available from the usual places. Wish me luck. This is the first album to feature anything other than guitar, bass, drums and voice.

Til later,

Barnaby J. Tremayne.

Monday, 31 October 2011

A Video Slideshow of Ampthill

Hi all. Today my best friend Kryssi (see several of the posts below) made a video slideshow of Ampthill Park. The photography is all by her. I think it's awesome. Check it out here. PS Salad Days 2.0 is on its way.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Salad Days 2.0

5 years ago today (a Saturday if I remember right) I was sat on my bed, guitar in hand, trying to figure out how to use a four track recorder. I had the house to myself for a few hours and I'd promised to record a demo to show the people I worked with what kind of musician I was. This seemed like a good idea until I realised that I actually had no idea how to record it properly. I had some very basic equipment, a karaoke microphone from Poundstretcher, a second hand set of bongo drums I bought from the local market which were (actually still are come to think of it) badly in need of repair, an acoustic guitar that I was given for my 17th birthday and a hired Tascam 4-Track recorder which recorded on to standard cassette tapes.
I put on Bill Bailey's Bewilderness for background noise and got to work. First I had to learn how the recorder worked (not that easy without a manual). Second I had to learn how to do overdubs, and also how long it takes to do overdubs if you don't know what you're doing. After about an hour I was ready to record some songs. This was when I learned that it really helps to decide what you want to record before you start recording. I chose 5 of my favourite songs (that seemed easy to play) and finally pressed record. Take 1 didn't go so well. Lesson 4: turn on the microphone if you actually want to record anything except silence. Also, it helps if the microphone isn't muffled by bedsheets. I remedied this by resting the microphone on top of a milk crate (it made sense at the time). Take 2 went better, well sort of, it recorded at least. Lesson 5: microphones record everything, including the sound of Bill Bailey in the background.

I recorded 5 songs that day, only 4 were complete, I didn't have time to record the vocals on a cover of Babyshambles' I Love You (But You're Green). The other 4 songs were: Perfect Day by Lou Reed, Sunday Morning by The Velvet Underground, Norwegian Wood by The Beatles and I Feel Fine by The Beatles. I wanted to record more, including an original song called Dove and a cover of Albion, but there was no time and the 4-track had to be returned.

Salad Days took about 6 hours to record, everything took multiple takes as I missed my cue or played out of time and had to start over countless times. Still it was worth it to have something to prove that I really was a musician (to myself as much as to other people). I had just started writing the songs for the original version of Bletchley and I needed something to encourage me to finish them. They got finished eventually but that's another story.

Fast forward 5 years and I'm sat in another bedroom typing this next to a different guitar and a 4-track recorder. Over the next few hours I will be recording a new version of Salad Days. Hopefully it won't take as long as last time and I can get it finished and online by Sunday. Times have changed, now I've got better equipment (did I mention that I used a milk crate as a mic stand? Yeah, money was tight at the time.) and I know much more about recording than I did back then, so it should be much easier this time. The plan is to record the same songs but there may be some additions if the mood takes me.

That's the end of this ramble.

Til next time,

Barnaby J. Tremayne.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Hi everyone, I haven't written in a while for various reasons. This is really just a note to say that a selection of my releases can now be streamed for free on Grooveshark. Find it here:
I will be uploading Bletchley and possibly some previously unreleased stuff there. Keep watch and they will appear soon.

Also a note to say that work has officially started on album number 3, working title Trinity. 5 songs have been written and demo'd, and I'll be starting the final recordings over the next few days.

Finally, I have decided that an album I completed a while back will finally be released. Probably over the next few weeks.

Til next time,

Barnaby J Tremayne.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Kryssi's third gig. Recorded live at The Fox And Hound in Stony Stratford.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

High Fidelity

I just finished watching High Fidelity. Even though it was only made 10 years ago, it's become sort of time capsule of a way of life that just doesn't exist anymore. Do obsessives still spend years searching out a rarity? That single that only four people bought when it was new? The Japanese issue of an album that no one else liked in the first place? Of course we do, we're obsessives, but now we just google it and look around various websites til we find it then download it for free. But double clicking on an mp3 just isn't the same as placing that slab of vinyl on the turntable. And does anyone make mixtapes anymore? The delicate art of conveying your thoughts and feelings with another person's lyrics and music. Then filling out the (always too small) insert, writing each letter carefully in your best handwriting and trying not to make any mistakes.

I got to thinking that working in an indie record store would be the perfect job for me. Then I realised that there aren't any indie record stores anymore. Now we all just set up our own stalls online and sell just one artist. Usually ourselves. Like this or this (yes I know it's self publicity but who else is going to advertise them?) The real indies just faded away, leaving a hole in the high street that HMV can never quite fill. It's just not the same.

Maybe we obsessives need to find a new obsession.

Barnaby J. Tremayne.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

I've just found out that I'm on the NME website. How did that happen? I'm not complaining though. Find me here:

Monday, 24 January 2011

you can now find me at reverbnation

Let Me Know demo on Youtube

Put this on youtube a couple of days ago, the demo version of Let Me Know from the Bletchley album. I'll be putting a link here soon to download the full album.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

This is a video of my parents' cat and dog. See if you can guess which one is boss. Posted as a tribute to the late Bernie (the cat) R.I.P.

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Kryssi with more comedians

Another picture of Kryssi, this time with Steve Hall (We Are Klang) and Joe Rowntree (Brainiac)
Taken 1st December 2010 at Sno:Bar Xscape Milton Keynes

Honourable mentions to the other acts that night: Patrick Monahan and Piff The Magic Dragon, they were both amazing. But Kryssi did nearly die laughing at Steve Hall. If you look closely you can see Steve stretching his face.
I never get to be in these pictures.

Kryssi Keightley Live at Sno:Bar July 2010

Kryssi Keightley's very first live performance. This was filmed last July at the Sno:Bar at Xscape Milton Keynes on my mobile. Enjoy...
PS there's some podcasts featuring Kryssi on their way

New version of Cerice's Theme video

The new version of the Cerice's Theme video

A picture of my best friend, stand up comedian Kryssi Keightley with Andi Osho. We went to see her at the Sno:Bar in Milton Keynes. We also met Joshua Howie and Nathan Caton. It was a great night.

Friday, 29 October 2010

youtube channel

Videos and songs can be found on my youtube channel here:

Sunday, 26 September 2010