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Showing posts with label new. Show all posts

Sunday, 24 September 2023

Boost your creativity and cure your boredom at the same time

 Boredom is a universal human experience. We all feel it from time to time, regardless of our age, interests, or lifestyle. But while boredom can be unpleasant, it can also be an opportunity to try new things, learn new skills, and expand our horizons.

Here is a list of ideas for things to do when you're bored: 

1. Have a tea party with your stuffed animals. Invite them to a formal tea party and serve them tiny cups of tea and biscuits. You can even dress up in your fanciest clothes for the occasion.

2. Go for a walk in the park while wearing a blindfold. This is a great way to experience your surroundings in a new and different way. Just be careful not to trip over anything!

3. Try to write a poem using only words that start with the letter "E." This is a challenging but fun activity that will get your creative juices flowing.

4. Build a fort out of blankets and pillows in your living room. Then, crawl inside and have a picnic lunch.

5. Give yourself a makeover using only makeup that you find in your trash can. This is a great way to test your creativity and see what kind of look you can come up with.

6. Have a dance party with your pets. Put on some music and dance around like nobody's watching. Your pets will probably enjoy it too!

7. Try to balance a spoon on your nose for as long as possible. This is a surprisingly difficult task, but it's also a lot of fun.

8. Write a letter to your future self. Tell them all about your life today and what you hope to achieve in the future. Then, seal the letter and put it away somewhere safe. You can open it up in a few years and see how your life has changed.

9. Try to eat a bowl of cereal without using your hands. This is a messy but fun challenge that will test your coordination.

10. Have a conversation with your reflection in the mirror. Ask them questions about their life and see what they say. You might be surprised at what you learn!

11. Try to juggle three oranges. This is a classic circus skill that is surprisingly difficult to master. But with enough practice, you'll be able to do it!

12. Have a staring contest with your pet. See who can last the longest without blinking.

13. Have a karaoke night.

14. Learn a new dance.

15. Take a nap.

The possibilities are endless! So next time you're bored, don't despair. Use it as an opportunity to explore your interests and discover new things.

No matter what you choose to do, make sure it's something that you enjoy and that makes you feel good. Boredom is a temporary state, so make the most of it!

Have fun.

Monday, 31 October 2011

A Video Slideshow of Ampthill

Hi all. Today my best friend Kryssi (see several of the posts below) made a video slideshow of Ampthill Park. The photography is all by her. I think it's awesome. Check it out here. PS Salad Days 2.0 is on its way.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Salad Days 2.0

5 years ago today (a Saturday if I remember right) I was sat on my bed, guitar in hand, trying to figure out how to use a four track recorder. I had the house to myself for a few hours and I'd promised to record a demo to show the people I worked with what kind of musician I was. This seemed like a good idea until I realised that I actually had no idea how to record it properly. I had some very basic equipment, a karaoke microphone from Poundstretcher, a second hand set of bongo drums I bought from the local market which were (actually still are come to think of it) badly in need of repair, an acoustic guitar that I was given for my 17th birthday and a hired Tascam 4-Track recorder which recorded on to standard cassette tapes.
I put on Bill Bailey's Bewilderness for background noise and got to work. First I had to learn how the recorder worked (not that easy without a manual). Second I had to learn how to do overdubs, and also how long it takes to do overdubs if you don't know what you're doing. After about an hour I was ready to record some songs. This was when I learned that it really helps to decide what you want to record before you start recording. I chose 5 of my favourite songs (that seemed easy to play) and finally pressed record. Take 1 didn't go so well. Lesson 4: turn on the microphone if you actually want to record anything except silence. Also, it helps if the microphone isn't muffled by bedsheets. I remedied this by resting the microphone on top of a milk crate (it made sense at the time). Take 2 went better, well sort of, it recorded at least. Lesson 5: microphones record everything, including the sound of Bill Bailey in the background.

I recorded 5 songs that day, only 4 were complete, I didn't have time to record the vocals on a cover of Babyshambles' I Love You (But You're Green). The other 4 songs were: Perfect Day by Lou Reed, Sunday Morning by The Velvet Underground, Norwegian Wood by The Beatles and I Feel Fine by The Beatles. I wanted to record more, including an original song called Dove and a cover of Albion, but there was no time and the 4-track had to be returned.

Salad Days took about 6 hours to record, everything took multiple takes as I missed my cue or played out of time and had to start over countless times. Still it was worth it to have something to prove that I really was a musician (to myself as much as to other people). I had just started writing the songs for the original version of Bletchley and I needed something to encourage me to finish them. They got finished eventually but that's another story.

Fast forward 5 years and I'm sat in another bedroom typing this next to a different guitar and a 4-track recorder. Over the next few hours I will be recording a new version of Salad Days. Hopefully it won't take as long as last time and I can get it finished and online by Sunday. Times have changed, now I've got better equipment (did I mention that I used a milk crate as a mic stand? Yeah, money was tight at the time.) and I know much more about recording than I did back then, so it should be much easier this time. The plan is to record the same songs but there may be some additions if the mood takes me.

That's the end of this ramble.

Til next time,

Barnaby J. Tremayne.