Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Monday 13 February 2023

The Struggles of Being an Independent Musician/Artist

 Being an independent artist sounds amazing on paper, but in reality, it can be a real struggle. Not only do you have to figure out how to make a living from your art, but you also have to build a fanbase. And let me tell you, that's not always easy.

Making a steady income is hard enough, but trying to build a fanbase on top of that? It can feel like a never-ending battle. It can be tough to get your music out there and get people to listen, especially when there's so much competition.

I know what it's like to feel like no one is paying attention to your art. It can be discouraging and make you question whether you're even doing anything right. But here's the thing, building a fanbase takes time and effort. And even the most successful artists have gone through their own struggles.

So, what can you do? Well, for starters, it helps to have a supportive community of fellow artists and fans. Collaborating with other artists and reaching out to your fans can help you get your music heard and grow your following. And even if you're feeling like you're not making any progress, remember that success is a marathon, not a sprint.

Being an independent artist is a journey, and building a fanbase can be one of the biggest challenges. But with persistence, effort, and a little bit of luck, it is possible to overcome these struggles and find success as an independent artist.

Half way through FAWM

 Hello again. I'm midway through the FAWM songwriting challenge, and I have to say, it's been a wild ride. If you're not familiar with FAWM, it's a challenge to write 14 songs in 28 days. And let me tell you, it's not for the faint of heart!

At first, I was feeling pretty intimidated. I mean, coming up with 14 songs in 28 days? That's a lot! And to make matters worse, I was struggling to be creative. But as I started writing, something magical happened. The words just started flowing, and before I knew it, I had written a few songs.

One of the best parts of the FAWM challenge is that it encourages you to experiment and be creative. I've tried new songwriting techniques, written songs in different genres, and even pushed my lyrical boundaries. It's been amazing to see what I can come up with when I let go and just let the creativity flow.

Now, I'm halfway through the challenge and I've written seven songs so far. The next seven are going to be just as challenging, but I'm ready for it. Even though it's been tough at times, I'm so grateful for this experience. It's taught me to embrace the unknown and to always keep pushing myself, even when I'm feeling stuck.

The FAWM songwriting challenge has been an amazing experience so far. It's not easy, but it's worth it. And who knows, maybe by the end of the challenge, I'll have written some of my best songs yet!

Friday 30 December 2011

New album completed

News at last. If you've read my previous post you'll be aware that I completely scrapped an almost finished album a couple of weeks ago. Luckily, some of it was salvageable. For the last 2 weeks I've been re-making the album from scratch, taking it in a very different direction and making something worth hearing. Working title Absentia has become Absent Son. Over the next few hours I'll be doing some editing to the recordings and it will be uploaded to the online stores by tomorrow morning.

In the meantime, I've upoaded a video to youtube with the earliest demos for Trinity to give you an idea how the album developed. You can find it here: Trinity Slideshow.

Thanks for reading,

Barnaby J. Tremayne.

PS Happy new year everyone.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Update on new album

Today I should be recording the final parts of my third album Trinity. I'd say it's about four fifths finished. It still needs a few guitar and synth parts added and a couple of mistakes need to be fixed. If all goes to plan, it will be finished just before Christmas and before the first anniversary of Bletchley's release. The demos will be available on my website soon, and the finished album will be available from the usual places. Wish me luck. This is the first album to feature anything other than guitar, bass, drums and voice.

Til later,

Barnaby J. Tremayne.