Thursday 9 February 2023

Autistic Burnout - what it is and how it feels

 Autistic burnout is a real struggle and something that affects me frustratingly often. It's hard to describe how it feels, but it's like a constant, overwhelming exhaustion that just doesn't seem to go away. I often feel physically and mentally drained, and even the simplest tasks can become impossible to complete.

One of the worst parts about experiencing autistic burnout is the embarrassment that comes along with it. I know that people don't understand what I'm going through and often see me as lazy or unmotivated. It's a frustrating feeling because I want so badly to be able to just snap out of it, but it's not that simple.

Autistic burnout is a result of sensory overload and feeling constantly overwhelmed. It's like my brain just can't keep up with the constant stimulation and it crashes. I try my best to avoid situations that trigger it, but sometimes it just sneaks up on me.

It can be really tough, but I've learned to accept that this is just a part of who I am and that it's okay to need a break. I try to make sure I take the time to recharge, whether it's through self-care or just taking a nap.

If you're experiencing autistic burnout, know that you're not alone. It's important to take care of yourself and not be too hard on yourself. Try to find things that help you relax and give you a break from the constant stimulation. And remember, it's okay to need a break. You're not weak for having this experience, you're just human.

Barnaby J. Tremayne.

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